Get Involved

Building & Grounds

The Board of Trustees leads maintenance of the church’s lawn and gardens.  Members are welcome to participate; contact the office for more information.


Care Ministry Team

Care ministry reaches out to those who are unable to attend worship in person including residents of nuring homes and assisted living, shut ins and ill members.  The group sends greeting cards to commemorate congregation members’ special events and delivers pointsettias during the Christmas season.

Care ministry also serves refreshments following funerals and memorial services at the church.  A nominal fee is charged for setting up, serving, and clean up. The fee funds the group’s projects.  Menu items include cookies, bars, sandwiches, and salads.

Media Team

Team members manage the Sunday service live feed on Facebook from the sanctuary tech booth. 

Worship & Music Team

From greeting and welcoming service attendees to serving as ushers and lay readers, worship team members design and lead worship. Both the Big House Band and the choir welcome participation from musical community members!